Monday, May 16, 2011

Brother Touches Sisters Boob

Aquarium World's Smallest Places in the World

7 Places World Terangker

In this world a lot of everything something creepy. In a place far and we do not know, a lot places that can be said haunted. Not only in Indonesia, in other countries also have a famous haunted places . Somehow the history of these place, the point where it is said haunted by many people because a lot of strange events that can not be accepted by common sense. Here Terangker Places in the World

1. The Winchester Mystery House
In 1881, Sarah Winchester, widow famous gun maker Oliver Winchester, all of a sudden believe that he should get protection from all the spirits of people killed by these weapons. A psychic tells her that it's good he continues to make more room in his house in San Jose, California, so the ghosts who try to find he's going to be confused. Sarah believes and he kept doing this for 40 years, adding more than 100 rooms and staircases, until her death in 1922. After he died, apparently Sarah's ghost still come and walk among the rooms in his house. The building was until now the attraction for tourists.

2. The Amityville Horror
13 November 1974, six members of the family in Amityville, New York, was killed by one of the children in the family, Ronald Jr.. ("Butch") DeFeo. In the trial, DeFeo claimed that he was encouraged by the power of Satan was at home was to kill. The new owner of the house with the address of 112 Ocean Avenue, also admitted to experiencing a variety of spooky phenomena, which is finally written in the novels and horror movies. But all the supernatural events were never proven and successful lawyer DeFeo acknowledge that all stories there was just a lie.

3. Tower of London
Tower of London, one of the most famous historic buildings in the world and well maintained, can be categorized as one of the most haunted places in the world. This is because of the number of executions, murders and torture that occurred in the tower during the last 1000 years. Dozens of reported ghost sightings occurred in and around the tower. On a winter day in 1957 at 3 am, a duty officer shocked by something that fell onto the roof of the post jaganya. When he came out to see what was happening, he saw a white shadow without a clear shape in
the tower. It was later known that in the days before the Similarly, on 12
February, Lady Jane Grey was beheaded in 1554.
Perhaps the most famous inhabitants of the Tower of London is the ghost of Ann Boleyn
, one of the wives of Henry VIII, who was also beheaded in the tower
year 1536. Ann ghosts reportedly seen on various occasions, sometimes carrying
his own head, on Tower Green and in the Tower Chapel Royal.
Hantu2 other was Henry VI, Thomas A Becket and Sir Walter Raleigh.
One of the most terrifying ghost stories associated with the Tower of London
is the death of the Countess of Salisbury. There
which tells that the Countess of Salisbury was executed in 1541 after he was indicted
involved in some criminal actions (although now many
assumption that told him not guilty). When brought to the gallows with great resistance
, he ran away from the cell block and chased up to
meet death by beheading in place of the executioner. Execution ceremony organized by roh2
reportedly haunts the Tower Green.

4. Fox Sisters cottage
This phenomenon is not as well known elsewhere, but the Fox brothers hut this is probably the most important haunted house, because ever since this phenomenon appears, then many of the standard haunted house set according to a story in this house, this cottage even launched a new confidence. In 1848, Hydesville, western New York, two sisters, Maggie and Katie Fox began to communicate with the ghost of the murdered merchant. Both these brothers, with the sort of question and answer session spirits, ask anything, with the answer, the typing of the mysterious. Many people are fascinated, even awed their own mother and believe that this is really a question and answer session with the dead. But the two brothers finally recognize that their actions are just playing games. But the emerging belief, Spiritualism, still survive and running.

5. White House (White House)
The Washington, DC, housing the U.S. president was of course has played host to many tragedies that occurred during some of this century. Starting this house burned in 1814 by British troops, up to several times the experiment (and some are successful) murder. One of the spooky story that there is a ghost of Abraham Lincoln. Abe's widow, Mary Todd, strengthen the souls of question and answer session at the White House. Another famous ghost also include Andrew Jackson, Dolley Madison and Abigail Adams, although they are now rarely seen.

6. Ghost Town in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
local people, visitors and paranormal worldwide
considered the city of New Orleans as the city's most haunted cities haunted and is the number 1 in all
Amerika.Dengan ghost legend in circulation for 200 years
involving Voodoo curses, English moss-covered oak pohon2 who witnessed the bloody brawl,
cold-blooded murder, pirates cerita2 revolutionary war and civil war soldiers
and jazz music, the city of New Orleans gained a reputation as
one of the most haunted tourist town.

7. Walachia, Transylvania, Land of Dracul
satu2nya place where can feel the presence of Dracula might be on the road long and winding toward the mountains of Transylvania. The area was so remote and inaccessible until no major roads that pass through the mountain until 1974. This house is a fortress built by Dracula


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