flames were extinguished, it's time for reflection ... As everyone
We know, yesterday occurred the greatest disaster in the bus with the Poles the lead role beyond the borders of our country. Watched with horror the pictures after-burning bus wreckage, torn barriers and signs of braking.
Because it was a tragedy indeed.
26 people died a terrible death in a burning wreck. By Poland, a wave of sympathy, and moved the nation, as rarely, sang in unison on internet forums, in letters and phone calls to the editors of sympathy and consolation song ... Motivated by impulses of sympathy with managers of insurance companies began to flip through the promises of aid for the victims and their families. Law Offices of Prime Minister and the President promised to many thousands of compensation (at least PLN 110,000 per family). Everything is done to alleviate a little suffering and to redress the terrible loss. The reflex heart. Poland
How long and wide, something stirred within us ...
look at this closer.
Every week on the road killed many people. Acc. statistics Police Headquarters in 2005 on Polish roads happened on 48,100 road accidents which killed 5,444 people and the wound has had more than 61ooo people. This gives the number of 925 accidents, 1,173 injuries and 104 deaths per week! These people are dying often as nasty and lousy death as victims of events in France. Why just the participants and the families of participants in this particular tragedy, it was decided to give up such an extensive material aid? Why did the Polish state did not pay such amounts to all the families of victims of traffic accidents? After all, every death is the same. And I could be wrong? Maybe they are dead equal and more equal? They
. Corpses
media is VIPs, celebrities Thanatos, the aristocracy hadejska stimulating our imagination as much as vivid star.
These orgies of mass expressions of compassion is an example of the influence of spectacular events.
Because it was almost like in the movie: squeaking brakes, a bus loaded with shouting people tumble into the abyss and in flames. Around human bodies lie scattered and lifeless as the suitcases were open, which dropped out of hatch ripped apart. And in the midst of all this burning hell of steel traps, which are coming increasingly weaker and rarer screams of the victims burned alive. What a great massacre in true Hollywood style!
And the people he loves and appreciates Such a spectacle.
the audience likes what else? Number. 26 mangled corpses, as many seriously injured - is impressive. The magic of numbers starts to work. Viewers are shocked but pleased at the same time. Finally, something happened, what the average consumer media culture can understand. The message is clear as rare: flames, death, family, mourning, sobbing on the vision - no doubt the moral and political dilemmas. Falls exactly know what to feel. 26 dead, for God's sake!
But not just ordinary people, he loves numbers and bloody spectacle. Almost immediately in the TV and at the scene, in quantities exceeding the number of casualties altogether, came to the politicians, journalists and others who want the hyenas do photo in a halo of flames dopalającego the wreckage. I popierdolić sweet advantage of the opportunity, for the first time in a long time, people actually listen to them ...
And so for two days now we are witnessing a huge media show, the events of our times and culture we live in and a common sensibility. Here lies the heart of this rozemocjonowanego perception of death and the events by the media, state bodies and ourselves. It is here lies a source of the difference between an ordinary, boring corpse of a banal road accident which we have in bunches every week, and the "corpse - VIP, media product, exciting and stimulating the imagination as" Dancing with the Stars, divorce Dody and the Council, or Beckham's new haircut ...
five victims because he is just a tragedy - 26 victims are already showbiz.
In this light, it is not surprising the amount of special allowances to reach the victims' families. We all know how much you earn in show business ... ____________________________
PS I wonder if same as odebralibyśmy this event, and whether the amounts of compensation would be equally stunning, though it has not crashed a bus with pilgrims, say, carrying the pedal returning from Ibiza, or the parade of equality?
We know, yesterday occurred the greatest disaster in the bus with the Poles the lead role beyond the borders of our country. Watched with horror the pictures after-burning bus wreckage, torn barriers and signs of braking.
Because it was a tragedy indeed.
26 people died a terrible death in a burning wreck. By Poland, a wave of sympathy, and moved the nation, as rarely, sang in unison on internet forums, in letters and phone calls to the editors of sympathy and consolation song ... Motivated by impulses of sympathy with managers of insurance companies began to flip through the promises of aid for the victims and their families. Law Offices of Prime Minister and the President promised to many thousands of compensation (at least PLN 110,000 per family). Everything is done to alleviate a little suffering and to redress the terrible loss. The reflex heart. Poland
How long and wide, something stirred within us ...
look at this closer.
Every week on the road killed many people. Acc. statistics Police Headquarters in 2005 on Polish roads happened on 48,100 road accidents which killed 5,444 people and the wound has had more than 61ooo people. This gives the number of 925 accidents, 1,173 injuries and 104 deaths per week! These people are dying often as nasty and lousy death as victims of events in France. Why just the participants and the families of participants in this particular tragedy, it was decided to give up such an extensive material aid? Why did the Polish state did not pay such amounts to all the families of victims of traffic accidents? After all, every death is the same. And I could be wrong? Maybe they are dead equal and more equal? They
. Corpses
media is VIPs, celebrities Thanatos, the aristocracy hadejska stimulating our imagination as much as vivid star.
These orgies of mass expressions of compassion is an example of the influence of spectacular events.
Because it was almost like in the movie: squeaking brakes, a bus loaded with shouting people tumble into the abyss and in flames. Around human bodies lie scattered and lifeless as the suitcases were open, which dropped out of hatch ripped apart. And in the midst of all this burning hell of steel traps, which are coming increasingly weaker and rarer screams of the victims burned alive. What a great massacre in true Hollywood style!
And the people he loves and appreciates Such a spectacle.
the audience likes what else? Number. 26 mangled corpses, as many seriously injured - is impressive. The magic of numbers starts to work. Viewers are shocked but pleased at the same time. Finally, something happened, what the average consumer media culture can understand. The message is clear as rare: flames, death, family, mourning, sobbing on the vision - no doubt the moral and political dilemmas. Falls exactly know what to feel. 26 dead, for God's sake!
But not just ordinary people, he loves numbers and bloody spectacle. Almost immediately in the TV and at the scene, in quantities exceeding the number of casualties altogether, came to the politicians, journalists and others who want the hyenas do photo in a halo of flames dopalającego the wreckage. I popierdolić sweet advantage of the opportunity, for the first time in a long time, people actually listen to them ...
And so for two days now we are witnessing a huge media show, the events of our times and culture we live in and a common sensibility. Here lies the heart of this rozemocjonowanego perception of death and the events by the media, state bodies and ourselves. It is here lies a source of the difference between an ordinary, boring corpse of a banal road accident which we have in bunches every week, and the "corpse - VIP, media product, exciting and stimulating the imagination as" Dancing with the Stars, divorce Dody and the Council, or Beckham's new haircut ...
five victims because he is just a tragedy - 26 victims are already showbiz.
In this light, it is not surprising the amount of special allowances to reach the victims' families. We all know how much you earn in show business ... ____________________________
PS I wonder if same as odebralibyśmy this event, and whether the amounts of compensation would be equally stunning, though it has not crashed a bus with pilgrims, say, carrying the pedal returning from Ibiza, or the parade of equality?