Monday, July 24, 2006

Where Do I Get My G1 In Toronto

Local Technical

I'm in Scotland a month now, and by this time, I have made interesting observations on the local and household appliances. Reflections on them to share with you, whether you want it or not. We start with the obvious

Everyone probably knows that in the UK have different than on the mainland types of plugs and electrical sockets. Puddingożercy fool all must be different, the traffic on the standards of feminine beauty. Fortunately, these contacts are not polakoodporne, so rapidly developed a patent that allows to bypass the limitations of the lunar configuration access electricity. Those who would get something to write.
Already? Well notujcie.

enough to have two flat plug-in standard Polish. One of the first plug prong plug in the middle, the upper hole. Since it is a lever that opens the appropriate closing hole plugs, electric, is the key to the whole secret. When there wrazimy an object (it need not necessarily be a different plug, but let it be, for goodness sake, insulated), the door to the Merry Electron Hut will open before us. The open holes put my other end and we can bask in dobrodziejskiej electricity, without having to use adapters, adapters, and similar utensils. Requires chwilki exercises.
Note. This patent works with flat plug-ins, because they can more easily manipulate and have thinner blades. Round are less convenient, but from poverty or give advice.
Note No. 2 Not responsible for the death, disability or chronic atrial flutter due to sphincter of electric shock caused by improper use of island contacts.

That said, I must add that the safety electric thing, which comes up here very seriously. The fillip to the right, then integrating the power switch in the socket. Indigenous Peoples must be unique gamoniami, since their government has introduced security standards such contacts. Valves, switches, harassment. Well, that before any outlets do not mount the trap yet, and ditch the crocodiles, to further facilitate the use of power sources. ·

At the end of philosophical reflection - a nationalist. It is comforting to me knowing that if I am able to deceive the British Babylon and laughing in the face inhuman system, using their plug-ins, so much an Englishman in Poland, with its funny, ending a three-pronged, while do not buy an adapter, will remain lost and helpless like a dog that has fallen out of sleighs.


Faucets. It's not about the - the river, but it is worth to stay with them for a moment of laughter from the neighbor.
As shown in the attached picture, the British cleverly decided that the mental bodybuilding, hinder their lives using the sinks and two mini-basin tap, separate hot and cold water.
At this point, amazed the crowds get up from their seats and clap, and observing the average inhabitant of Islands, who wants to wash your face with lukewarm water. To this end, it makes the following:
a) put the sink stopper.
b) Loosen the two cocks and patiently waits for a sink filled with water.
c) at that time controls the temperature of the water repeatedly, continuously adjusting the flow of liquid from the two taps.
e) turns the taps and wash the snout.
f) pulls out the stopper and washed from the sediment basin soap.
in a different way does not wash his face, because after the first taps are too tiny to easily substitute your hands and draw the water, on the other - from one hot water tap on the second flying ice, which threatens to be burns or frostbite the face.

Briton in the time required for ablutions, the average inhabitant of continental Europe, bathe twice, using its proven single-tap, and the average Pole would overthrow the two barrels, because washed up last week.
course you can get used to this system. Question - why? ·


heaters and radiators. At the current. Produce heat. What else can you require from the radiator?
Or so some sensible location, for example? In all the apartments in which I was, heaters were located in various places, without the most obvious. Nowhere do they know the window. The culmination of this trend was apartment, where all the radiators were on the walls adjacent to the hall, with the result that it was the warmest place in the home, while from the windows in the room pulled like hell.


doors. Another interesting local pomyślunku rash. Locks were made in such a way that neither inside nor outside they can not be opened with one hand. One hand has to pull the latch, and this time the second has to push the handle. No other method. When released, latch back into place, so you have to hold her. Is inconvenient as hell, especially when he returns home with siatami, or tries to take out the garbage. You'll need to put everything on the ground, perform the above-described steps to put a crack in the resulting rate (the door is fully equipped with a brake, so try to shut themselves), to pick up a previously placed objects, and then pushing the organism to break through the door and break into inside / out for freedom. To be more interesting, are equipped with door-locking latch, so I advise keys always with you ... I'm starting to understand the genesis
famous British humor. Brilliant ...


Cooker; device needed in every home. And if you need any, then why not make it a fun theme family quarrel at dinner?

suppose that such thinking is motivated by models, designers electric ovens equipped with spiral heater.

After turning the knob, metal spiral quickly heats up to red. After a while, you can no longer put on her pots. Just a note that anything you do not wykipiało, because something will fall on the hot as hell in June at the surface of the heater immediately starts to burn and smoke smell and shockingly. The rest flew underneath, inside the oven, which admittedly can be cleaned, but it's just annoying to add the robots.

Another issue is that in all his pedantic attention to safety of electrical outlets, the British did not think that the multi- may suffer more from the bare, glowing spiral, rather than the current kick.

I really do not know how they built an empire ...


Another example of its world-famous British engineering is fire . It is a central place in any self-respecting home island, in the present modern era, is powered by electricity. In view of the fact that the form has been freed from the rigors of functions, designers (Although I'm not sure if this is a good word), electric fireplaces, began to indulge his imagination. One of the effects of this madness is to see in the picture above. Bakelitowo - glass - metal, gold-plated solution, haunts the house where I was staying. Highly decorative knobs and plastic, baroque element, completes the terrible work. The classic late Rokokoko ...

In defense of curiosity I enter that really warms toto, and the gilded glass parapet balustradką ideal for drying socks.


naśmiewania end up. This particular patent has my full appreciation. This counter works here in a similar way as a phone card. Special "something" is loaded in a nearby spożywczaku the amount of our comfortable, then inserted the word "something" to the counter and observed how the magic of cash supplies our bank account. Perfect thing to rented homes and social housing units. All the money spent on booze? Well, sit in the dark, and not to increase its debt against a housing association or the city. For me the bomb.
This counter is one of the things you would like to see at home.

finish on the technical review of the local attractions, and people who would like to say that it generalizes, I say "fakju. This is my blog.

· reply that this is due to concern for the safety of children does not convince me. First, those who say that, probably not appreciate the ingenuity of a murderous young homo sapiens. Switches? Locks? And from what two hands and the fascinating idea of \u200b\u200ba storm in a small head? I daresay that the level of complexity of local contacts happy, turns up only the imagination and encourages children to play. Secondly - several times the current from the contact me kicked. Enlightening event. I know not to push the feet where you do not need. I do not want my child was its free. Thirdly - if you know people who died from the shock of contact?

· Surprisingly recently, "The Guardian" I found the explanation for this phenomenon. Well, in the UK hot and cold water are under different pressures, hence the impossibility of them crammed into a common pipe. Nevertheless, it is still idiocy.


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