Friday, March 16, 2007

Recall Letters In Dentistry


the world is a lot of rubbish, into which came to be believed. These bunk, hidden beneath a seemingly attractive coating designed to blurring the truth. Truth that has ever yet met and accepted. One of these stuff are so-called "Civil Rights" - a subjective set of rules imposed on us by the immoral, atheistic leftists to destroy Christian Civilization West (CVC).

Typical leftists gather

not with us these numbers. It is inconceivable that their "freedom" which consists of discrimination at the expense of normal people abhor budzących deviants, homosexuals and Rastamanów. I remember only that it appeared before the leftists with their colorful slogans tolerance for perversion and oral sex (yuck), was already different, much older set of rules. It is called the Decalogue, and is the most perfect form of law, because it comes directly from God.

laws governing the rest of society should be matched to the 10 Commandments - otherwise they will not stop growing Zła in strength with each passing day. Lewaccy troublemaker remind you that the Decalogue is not a word about two men licking each served either on a computer tomograph study
1:0 ... for God!

But the plot goes back not only the laws and social rules. Lie mastered all areas of our lives, which is best evidenced by the popularity among the so-called "scientists", the so-called Theory of Evolution. Developed in the nineteenth century, and thus at the same time as Marx's Das Kapital (coincidence?) By an English scholar of Jewish origin (and how) Charles Darwin (Isaac Darwenbauma), the theory tries to convince us that man descended from apes.

Want diabolical banana droppings?

As you can see, in their bitter atheist crusade, the Communists seize up any, even the greatest nonsense, just to discredit the fact that man was created in the image and likeness of God. The details of this pseudo teoryjki I will not go into because I do not intend to insult your intelligence in these wicked banialukami. How could these abominations fall into the curriculum of our children - one of Lucifer knows it is his work.

But there are among us people with courage, not afraid to challenge the Pharisees in the face of so-called "science." These brave people are creationists. They believe that the hitherto widely accepted theory of evolution is inconsistent and illogical contradicts facts and common sense. About creationism too much to write here I will not, because each of you law-abiding Christians know what's going on. Everything is in the Bible. For each of us, it is obvious that Almighty God created all species (including humans) as they are now, and fossils threw Satan to try our faith.

Fortunately, more and more research uncovers the truth and the light and begins to deny based on materialism, the Marxist "theory" that the human race has evolved over billions of years from the original micro-organisms to its present, excellent form. Among them are such authorities as Professor. Maciej Giertych, a world famous dendrolog, whose loins were born one of the greatest living moral authority, and Minister of Education Miroslaw Orzechowski - a tireless warrior of sexual identity of our children. Suppose tentatively that creationism is actually how they want it known forces in the springs baloney. In this case, the above-mentioned ordinary people turn out to be fools, and yet we all know that it is not. Let this be further proof of faith in the divine creation of life.

've even apart from the fact falsified chronology (because Bible scholars have long since proved that the world was built around 6000 years ago ), no one sober and rational thinking is not able to to defend evolution. It's absurd. There is insufficient evidence of "missing links" are still missing, and many of the facts is przeinaczonych and stretched to fit the philosophy of the infringement, to eliminate God from our lives and to prove that the Bible, the only true book revealed to humankind , is wrong. That's ridiculous!

What cultivate evolutionists do not have anything to do with science. "True science consists of measuring or observing something that happens and the confirmation of this. For example, even if reptiles really changed the birds are millions of years ago - as evolutionists claim - and so science can not be regarded as something like fact, because it is not subject to observation. Even if you could somehow change today reptile into a bird, it is not even udowadniałoby, how it happened millions of years ago. [1] "In addition, the evolution is only a theory, while creationism is proven true, because it is written in the Bible. The conclusion is such that everything we try to push the evolutionists This lime has only one aim - to promote atheism, this moral cancer that is going to degenerate Leftism mental syphilis.
2:0 for God!

om falsified chronology mediocre aesthetic thought let's follow the footsteps of tireless opponents of evolution. They show us the direction, but the way to the truth we have to travel alone. When we reject the pseudo-scientific dogma that forced us to believe and begin to think for themselves as prof. Giertych, we discover that not only the biology of contaminated faeces is left "free thinkers" (freethinkers, probably just because they think slowly. Ha ha ha!). Consider, for example, adverse geology and theses that have no regard for the biblical teachings, it says.
geologists for many years trying to feed us fables about the so-called erosion. What is erosion? If he wants to OWN Masonic Encyclopedia is "... gouging the earth's surface by water, glaciers and wind, combined with the removal of the resulting products of destruction of rocks." Already at first glance like a pile of little sticks to the ridiculous teoryjka. But after the turn.

Water? Wind? No. God!

Figuratively speaking, in accordance with this, what they want us to stick to the head of geologists, a small stream is able to carve out a huge gorge in the earth. What a nonsense! As usual, these fanatics hiding behind masks of serious scientists, counting on our ignorance want to distract us from the truth. And yet you do not need to have a doctorate in theology to figure out the falsehood of the thesis of the carving of rock by water. As in the case of evolution - if anyone ever actually observed the process of drilling through rock drop? No! Of course not. And that's because it is contrary not only to the Bible but even to common sense and simple logic.

Do something so beautiful can be created "by accident"?

Since water is so powerful that it can bore a rock, why not drilling the holes in our pots, tubs or plastic bowls? Why do not we limb breaks off every time you take a shower? Why are some people so easily accept the theory that erosion nonsense and do not want to adopt a much more logical and simpler explanation, that God carved the surface of the earth to his own liking? Some save the translation, the process is so slow and imperceptible, that it takes many millions of years to be able to groove a small river gorge. Again, nonsense! What millions of years? After all, the Earth was created 6,000 years ago, so even if, by some miracle, the erosion theory was true, there is no chance that this time was such a wonderful creature like Grand Canyon.

say "erosion" - think "God"

The erosive power of the wind will not even write. Just that you will think your pants would look like if the wind actually had such power as they want the geological "authorities" ...
3:0 for God! Hattrick, whore! Yes, yes, yes!

Proof that God has a sense of humor

Finally, I've included some links of good as a starting point for exploring the great conspiracy of godless evolutionists and to know the truth about the creation of life on Earth.

  1. Wikipedia creationism
  2. Polish Society for Creation Research
  3. Bible



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