Saturday, November 14, 2009

Invitation Card Design For Grih Pravesh

Directories in OpenBSD OpenSolaris

Probably many of you wondered what is hidden in a secret directory structure of OpenSolaris today, you try to describe it briefly, and a knife to someone, it is useful:

/ bin - here are the executable files downloaded programs from a repo.
/ boot - a boot manager grub files, etc.
/ cdrom - cdrom is mounted here, we will also mount the iso image.
/ dev - Files of various devices. (In Unix devices are treated as files)
/ etc - Generally, there are configuration files in Solaris are also runtime istornych commands such as reboot, tar, or init.
/ export / home - your home directory.
/ gridware - files used by the grid of the extra repository.
/ kernel - kernel tools such as cryptography and dtrace.
/ lib - all the system libraries.
/ lost + found - files recovered from system failures.
/ media - mounted devices such as USB memory cards pendrivy.
/ mnt - mounted device.
/ opt - software compiled from third party sources or other sources such as sunfreepacks.
/ proc - the parameters of the system and running processes.
/ root - root's home directory
/ rpool - Main pool, the default key figures here are thick and snapshots.
/ sbin - key command system.
/ tmp - temporary files used by the browser for example.
/ usr - a variety of programs, system files, etc. narędzia

Unfortunately, I do not know what is / rmdisk, / devices, / system and / net
if anyone knows the answer may write in the comments.


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