Monday, September 13, 2010

Demand Letter Counter Offer


Already I do not write on this subject but because of the planned privatization and co-
mercjalizacę hospitals decided to take the floor. Recently, the Prime Minister at a meeting with representatives of pension funds
expressed the opinion that they dbająją primarily for their own interests
and less about the income of future retirees. I do not know whether the prime minister did not
knew in advance that private business interests above all self-
personal profit and the rest of it means the interests of customers, employees, and states have
deeply "hidden". I remember one day discussion on TV about the development of the internet
in Poland and got shocked. Well, one of the leading economic experts
stated that Polish Telecom is not on the internet in order to develop
Poland, but its main purpose is first and foremost a profit.
I asked myself the question why we Poles need such a company.
doil To us the money? TP fired after the privatization of more than half of the crew
increasing unemployment and burdening the state budget and this turned out
that this company is the development of the Internet but on profit. Not only that
telephone calls instead of cheapen prices rose solidly. I thought,
that the government, which privatized the TP is extremely irresponsible to not use a stronger word
. But slowly I realized that all private companies
's basically not interested in outside earnings. And now I think to myself, and I ask myself the question
what it would be like after the privatization of hospitals, a well-known economic expert
loud public awareness that private hospitals are in principle not to
TREATMENT patients and their primary objective is to achieve maximum profits.


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