Monday, October 18, 2010

Poem About Taking Care Of Baby

PIENIĘDZE down the drain? PREMIER

appearances in the brew I will not write about the money thrown into the mud by the Polish government. Recently, another anniversary of German reunification.
Although many years have passed so far, there are big differences between Western and Eastern
part of this country and this people and to the west and east are disappointed. Why is this happening? East Germany was actually absorbed by the Federal Government and the law became effective throughout Germany. That was a mistake fraught with consequences, especially for the Germans from the east. Although the money went huge eastern lands for the development of the people living there were disappointed. The money went to roads, highways, chodniczki, squares, and the beautification and renovation of houses and flats. It's all of course is useful but in my opinion the most important and forgotten to say a well-paid Jobs for East Germans. With the vast amount of EUR 1.6 trillion (1 600 000 000 000)
although it was necessary to devote a third of the development of industry in eastern Germany. And not only that I have not done this yet admitted to the collapse of virtually most of the East German industry. It was possible for the 600 billion euro (600 000 000 000) to build from scratch, 600-art of state enterprises, which gave employment to a large part of East German society and for which it may have to stand up the whole network of private suppliers. Unfortunately, it was decided, and done differently. Germany from the east have a beautiful apartment chodniczki and roads but are not the most important thing, they have nowhere to earn a living and leave these beautiful houses and streets and go to the west of Germany, leaving a semi-deserted city. And the money Well Germany is a rich country and can afford to waste large amounts of cash. Now the authorities as
lady waiting for the release that a private investor to come and invest and create jobs. Wait a year old dad would like to say. Unfortunately, in Poland this is the same. Streets are being renovated for the EU money but not getting the most important namely Government does not build new jobs and, like the former East Germany, our beloved government on the issue of how Miss waits that some investors will come and invest their money. That's not our beloved authorities have committed to the collapse of most state-owned companies and the most profitable sold for pittance, and now they enhanced prywaciaży a handful of the budget is a huge hole. Citizens no longer have the time to wait and leave en masse for bread abroad. And it all happens in the name of some sick ideology, so-called free market. Is the world's governments do not have the knowledge that this ideology has is ineffective or only pretending? These are my personal thoughts, and perhaps on some issues, I could be wrong.


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