Saturday, December 9, 2006

Where Can You But Jessica Simpsons Clothes Line

slut sex scandal

sex scandal at the halfway point.
3.5 year old Veronica, the daughter of Aneta Krawczyk or how it there is not a child of Mr Lyzwinski. From what she said her lawyer - this does not undermine the credibility (!?) Ms. Anetki and will now seek to examine the DNA Lepper. And when the handsome Andrew did not prove ill-fated goal scorer, will examine the code for the driver's Deputy Prime Minister, the guy with Photocopying, Henk across the street and other casual carriers of chromosome Y. The action perfectly understandable and glorious, because the child must have a father, after all, even if it is a criminal degenerate father, a journalist or a member of Self Defense.
I'm with you Ms. Anetka. At the same time I would suggest you extend the field investigation and ask the prosecutor to examine the DNA of Bill Gates, Brad Pitt and Emperor Akihito. You never know you Anetka, take a chance at succeed?

That's all jokes. But seriously, this hair-raising (george?), No oak is becoming. Election, which so far I have considered the medium as far as reasonable and credible, entertaining us for several days as a circus race, more like Fakt and Super Express than worst opinion-journal in this part of Europe. Election set to the wrong horse (mare), announcing the sentence before knowing the evidence. Journal editors, blinded both dislike (not to say hatred) to the Government and hope that maybe this time will harm the coalition, shot himself in the foot. Well done. At the same time
Election beautifully inscribed in, so condemned by it, the style of public debate in the Fourth Republic. Double bravo.
I would like to make my apologies for the PO and the SLD politicians who, with the satisfaction waved before us clippings from Jamaican and the Malaysian newspapers. Just not this time, gentlemen ...

By the way - that there was no doubt. Kato's ruling - National - Beet coalition believe to be the greatest evil that has befallen Poland at least since the time of the last rule of the SLD, and the Jarka, Romek and Andrew love to see most often chained to the pillory Wroclaw, posuwanych ass big black rubber dicks for sweat-eyed dwarf with hair on the hump . Nevertheless, the Electoral Action, especially in light of its often declared kryształowości I think it is a scandal, and a statement of its independence - a mockery.
But the most important conclusion from all this brouhaha is a sad observation that a free media, ladies and gentlemen, in Poland there is - well, maybe except Monokukurydzą - and anyone who believes otherwise is naive, not to say stupid.

"No way I could be so confused."
Ms. Anetka, good advice - the pots, not to the scandals.


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