Friday, April 6, 2007

Sample Disconnection Letter To Lipa


Easter around the corner.
On this occasion, I would say that common on Christmas cards slogan "Happy Halloween" has no meaning. Just "Hallelujah" is derived from Hebrew and means "Praise the Lord." Today, however, "Hallelujah" is commonly used to express the wonder and joy (for example, "neighbor from the block, someone stole a new car! So well for him, Alleluia!"), In a similar way as the name of Jesus is used interchangeably with the word "whore" as a vocative in an unexpected and surprising, for example: "Jesus, I sat on a hedgehog, or as the highlight of our disbelief at the situation, for example:" Jesus, with which a bunch of dumb matołów came to my work ... " .
So "Happy Halloween" means something like "Happy Hurra," which has no special meaning and could easily be replaced by, for example, "Happy May we" or "No. That Siupa Hallelujah," which also reflect the traditional Polish model spend the holidays.

No. That Siupa Hallelujah!


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