Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sims 3 How To Build A Lomg Sofa

From today, we go on the lights throughout the year. This is one of the few sensible rules that failed to enact the dark band, which governs us.
However, the Web forums opposition cries rang erected by a quarter of a wrongly understood intelligent lovers of civil liberties.

"Attacks on freedom and free Poland", "You want to think again, for us," and similar terms, the majority of legislative action at the Rural kindergartens are most justified, but this time shows only a durnocie and pieniactwie pokrzykujących. I remember a similar scene
(well, maybe slightly less, because there was no internet then so common), when a warrant wearing a seat belt in the city. The arguments then were similar. That attack on freedom, that in case of fire burn in the car alive, because we przytrzymają belts and other such folk wisdom.

As a person whose life was saved wear seatbelts ask - if you did with dicks on the heads of nothing is? Any provision which minimally increase road safety is needed. Car going in the day with the lights on is not so much easier to see what more note (contrary to appearances, this is a difference) and therefore, more consciously perceive his presence on the road.

And the arguments of the Internet troll, let me be wysrać, because they are stupid.
are the most common of them: first
The inclusion of lights will not change anything on a sunny day. - My advice: get out once in a tour and see for yourself. I am not talking here about the way they overcome every week from home to a disco in the village next door, or to the supermarket on Sunday.
second In civilized countries, with the highest number of cars, there are no such provisions. - If the Nordic countries are not civilized enough for you, This may be Austria?
third In the U.S., a country with large automotive tradition, there is no such obligation. - But they have the right to allow everyone to own guns. How wise is the right guy yesterday proved that to shoot 32 people on campus in Virginia. Let's not be such eager to compare anything with the U.S. because it can easily go out at the same time the idiots ...
4th In Scandinavia, is always dark and there, this recipe makes sense. - Pile of gegry. In Scandinavia, summer nights in the last two hours and up to the north the sun does not overlap. In contrast to your head, where there is eternal darkness and haunted ...
5th This provision makes sense on a route but the city is stupid. - And you will activate the lights every time you pass a driving town? Yes? Just like every time you release to 50km / h?
6th The last argument made me the greatest joy: the majority of the Wiz bully suddenly discovered her love of nature and not mincing words, criticizing the idea of \u200b\u200brunning lights, as increasing fuel consumption, and hence - the emission of shit into the atmosphere. This is particularly interesting that these are probably the same people who ride on roads rozpierdolonymi old szrotami downloaded from the Reich, with huge engines smrodzącymi with Klima, electric windows and milionwatowym subwoofer in the trunk.
advice I have for them: if you just care about Mother Earth - air conditioning off and on, wypierdolcie radyjko and Mount the crank to the shaft, because these gadgets consume much more fuel than incandescent bulbs while driving during the day. Or buy for se bike. Or shut the murder, because I'm tired of groaning.

A key argument for driving in the day at the traffic lights is that now I'd better see how wpierdalasz into the ditch ahead of the rozjebanym his third BMW.

PS Now I look forward to receiving the recipe for life caught driving drunk behind the wheel.


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