As you know, my other blog - Gastrofaza , got up some time ago for the final competition for the Blog of the Year. Therefore, I was invited to Warsaw for the Awards Gala.
The relationship can be found here , while I invite you to read a handful of supporting the official version of the observations and impressions. Negative.
Gala began to slip, because one of jurorek in the competition, Odeta Moro-Figurska, wanted a grand entrance. She explained later that had confused the place that went to the other end of Warsaw, which in turn meant that I began to wonder how serious respectable jury, and the organizers, treats all the fun and the people taking part in it.
How it turned out - most of them had it in the ass.
also got a diploma and a bag of fantami from Onet.
Let us closer to the above-mentioned fantach.
I did not count for much - after all top prizes have been, for me, the rich, so it would be naive to think that give us additional strings of pearls and anal vibrators grającymi mazurkas Chopin.
Well, but without exaggeration.
in the bag from Onet found: motley, beautiful as the sacristy door handle, lanyard, and a notebook (note, note) record in the series "Foreign Plates - Polish price" at which carols Andrea Bocelli sings (!). In a word - marketing department Onet decided that it is an opportunity to get rid of unwanted even by cleaning garbage from the walls of boxes in the office. The only conundrum, which I liked was the classic, oldskulowy, enamelled cup from the sponsor of the competition - Enamel Olkusz. I had to confine him - there would be nothing to coif. And yes - I do not know how the other participants, but I felt like a loser, who You can press any shit, and who else should be happy.
Anyway - see for yourself:
also got a diploma.
Joanna KOŁACZKOWSKA assessor my category had to sign, only 3 (three) degrees. She could even do this sitting and waiting for dear Odeta Moro - Figurska VIPowską implicated his ass in place. Why did not the organizers came up with the This idea, which found that giving unsigned diplomas is elegant and "goes" - I do not know.
had the impression that bloggers were invited only ground on which the jury could star shine even more. And again - the brightest shining Figurska which prężyła journalists before the lens like a cat in heat when flash like strobe napierdalały at the fire station, and Makłowicz, who that evening gave more interviews than all winners put together. I still remember Sekielskiego, surprised by the fact that he has hand out the award in category "Politics", which he allegedly assess and Janusz Korwin Mikke, who pushed into the wall by a flock pismaków hunting for the jury, a prater, invisible, like the rest of us.
I still have a lot of similar stories, but enough already.
Overall - I was a bit disappointed. Probably because of his naivete, I thought that this Gala is to us, and that we are the stars here. Unfortunately - it turned out to be different.
have advice for Onet to future competitions.
Forgive myself organizing a big ceremony, pumping dough in a room, light, and gauze telebims VIP with the jury for which this is just another opportunity to lansu.
Most normal people have it in the ass or the statue of the star gets breakfast television and the deputy manager. We fuck the person who conducts the show, live bands quasi-musical (he played on my gala Pectus ...) or marinated fillet with cheese.
just have to date people feel that this is their night.
that I would treat them with respect.
Although once.
for variety.
But fuck it.
It was an interesting experience, and besides I have a leash Onet and a CD with Andrea Bocelli carols (or how it is changing), so do not complain, right?
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